
Particularly dangerous variety of ransomware “Snake/Ekans”

Production and sales of Honda cars, motorcycles and other products has been suspended at sites around the world while the Japanese automaker attempts to recover its systems following a suspected ransomware attack that compromised access to its IT systems. Honda also confirm that there is no information breach at this point in time.

> The Attack:

The firm has been targeted with the relatively new Snake or Ekans, strain, after a sample of the ransomware came to light that contains references to an IP address linked to a Honda domain, and checks for an internal Honda network before encrypting files.

The firm has confirmed that work at the UK plant has been halted alongside a suspension of other operations in NorthAmerica, Turkey, Italy and Japan.

> Note:

Snake/Ekans is a particularly dangerous variety of ransomware that specifically targets industrial control systems (ICS).


  1. 【リモートワークを進めるうえでのカギは・・・】

  2. Go circular.

  3. 大阪出張(観光)な週末でした

  4. 政府情報システムのためのセキュリティー評価制度(ISMAP)

  5. 「デジタル庁 2021年秋までに設置 トップに民間人検討」

  6. 第28回 Japan IT Weekー【春】AI・業務自働化展に出展(^-^)

  7. Japanese AI Landscape 2021

  8. 環境マネジメントシステム(EMS)国際標準規格「ISO14001:2015」認証を取得

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